Will miraDry® Treatment Work For Hyperhidrosis?
Many of us love the feeling of a good sweat after a challenging workout or a day by the pool. For some men and women, however, excessive sweating is a constant occurrence and can be frustrating, embarrassing, and uncomfortable. To help patients with hyperhidrosis reduce underarm sweat and odor for the long-term, board-certified physician Dr. Philip Rettenmaier and the expert team at NoSweat Fort Wayne are proud to offer advanced miraDry treatment in Fort Wayne, IN. Keep reading to learn more about miraDry for hyperhidrosis, including how it works, what results can be expected, and whether this exciting solution may be right for you.
What is hyperhidrosis?
Hyperhidrosis is a particularly frustrating condition that is characterized by excessive sweating, especially under the arms. Patients with hyperhidrosis may also experience sweaty palms, facial sweating, and more.
Do I have hyperhidrosis?
Sweating with heat, exercise, or even in stressful situations is a normal and expected response to the triggering factors. However, unexpected, excessive, or constant sweating may be a sign of hyperhidrosis. Patients with hyperhidrosis often experience one or more of the following signs and symptoms:
- Sweating constantly
- Sweating even at rest
- Excessive amount of sweat
- Strong body odor
- Always have sweat stains under arms
- Need to change shirt multiple times each day
If you are experiencing signs and symptoms of hyperhidrosis, you may be a candidate for miraDry treatment.
How does miraDry work for sweating?
Patients who struggle with excessive or constant sweating under the arms often turn to miraDry to reduce or even prevent underarm sweat. This widely popular treatment works by targeting and destroying sweat glands in the armpits to help patients stay fresh, dry, and confident. While miraDry is typically used by patients with hyperhidrosis, some men and women undergo miraDry treatment simply so they can stop using deodorant.
During a miraDry treatment in Fort Wayne, patients will relax in one of our private rooms. A topical numbing agent will be applied to the underarms to minimize any discomfort with treatment. The miraDry device will then be placed on the underarm and draw the sweat glands toward the surface of the skin so they can be destroyed. In the majority of cases, patients can achieve their desired outcome with a single miraDry session, though some men and women may require a series of treatments.
How long does miraDry last?
The sweat glands destroyed during miraDry will not return, meaning patients can enjoy their miraDry results indefinitely. Patients should keep in mind that sweat glands in other areas of their body will still be active. However, destroying underarm sweat glands with miraDry does not trigger increased sweating across other glands.
Regain your confidence and stay fresh with miraDry hyperhidrosis treatment in Fort Wayne, IN
Hyperhidrosis can certainly take a toll on a patient’s self-esteem, relationships, career, and more. If you are ready to ditch the deodorant and feel more confident than ever, we can help. To learn more about treating excessive sweating with miraDry in Fort Wayne, IN, call the knowledgeable team at NoSweat Fort Wayne to schedule your private consultation with board-certified physician Dr. Philip Rettenmaier today!