How Much Downtime is Needed After BeautiFill® Treatment?
During our younger years, the face and natural curves have a supple volume that gives the figure some play and highlights a glowing complexion. As we age, plump areas become hollowed, and our curves enlarge or shift in ways that some find unattractive. At NoSweat Fort Wayne, our expert team can help meet your customized body contouring needs so you can regain your youthful silhouette. Dr. Philip Rettenmaier, medical director and board-certified physician, offers patients throughout Fort Wayne, IN BeautiFill laser liposuction and fat transfer treatments.
What is BeautiFill?
BeautiFill is a cosmetic laser technology system that utilizes both liposuction and fat transfer injections to extract, purify, and inject fat cells into specific treatment sites to add volume. The gentle, precision laser technology makes fat extraction smoother and recovery time shorter. At NoSweat Fort Wayne, Dr. Rettenmaier works with you to customize your BeautiFill body contouring plan to determine which sites you wish to remove fat and which areas you would like to plump up.
What treatment areas does BeautiFill work best on?
BeautiFill can be used just about anywhere on the body, but the most popular areas to extract fat include the:
Once the fat is removed and purified, injections can be made in any of the following treatment areas:
Around the mouth
What are the benefits of BeautiFill?
Compared to other liposuction and fat transfer treatments, BeautiFill tends to produce longer-lasting results, higher levels of surviving fat cells, and shorter recovery times. Additional benefits from using BeautiFill for your body contouring needs include:
Lower risk for adverse or allergic reactions
Removing unwanted fat deposits
Toning the midsection
Adding volume for natural-looking curves
Virtually pain-free treatment session
Since BeautiFill uses the patient’s own fat cells, there is minimal risk for rejection compared to cosmetic implants or artificial fillers.
Am I an ideal candidate for BeautiFill?
Both men and women are viable candidates for BeautiFill if they:
Are at a healthy weight
Have enough fat for the harvesting process
Are not pregnant, breastfeeding, and do not want to become pregnant
Are trying to avoid extensive cosmetic surgery
During the initial consultation, Dr. Rettenmaier will review your medical history to determine if you can safely participate in BeautiFill treatments.
What does a BeautiFill treatment session look like?
BeautiFill sessions can be completed within the comforts of one of our private treatment rooms at NoSweat Fort Wayne. Each treatment site is thoroughly sanitized and numbed with local anesthesia. The liposuction cannula is inserted under the skin to remove fat cells. The extracted fat cells are purified in a centrifuge and then injected into each desired treatment area. After treatment sites are massaged and sanitized for the final time, patients may return home for recovery.
How much downtime is needed after a BeautiFill treatment?
Once your treatment session is finished, you may resume normal daily activities. Patients should expect temporary swelling, bruising, and tenderness, which resolves within a couple of days. For larger treatment areas, patients may have to wear a pressure garment to optimize recovery and results. Patients should avoid strenuous activities for the next several weeks.
How long will my BeautiFill results last?
If patients carry out the recommended recovery instructions and maintain a healthy lifestyle, BeautiFill results can last for many years. If patients experience pregnancy, childbirth, or changes to their weight, they could compromise their results. However, patients may return to NoSweat Fort Wayne for body contouring touch-ups.
Where to go to learn more about BeautiFill treatment
If you reside in or near Fort Wayne, IN, and would like to learn more about BeautiFill body contouring treatments, contact our team today at NoSweat Fort Wayne and schedule a consultation in Fort Wayne, IN. Board-certified physician and medical director Dr. Philip Rettenmaier is happy to assist you in your body contouring journey and to reclaim your youthful figure.