What is EON?
EON is the first robotic, touchless body contouring device disrupting the Aesthetic Industry. Other modalities remove fat through freezing or muscle stimulation; however, EON uses a time-proven 1064 nm laser to heat the fat to 123.8F, causing fat cell death and removal naturally through the lymphatic system with full results in 12 weeks. EON can dispense the hottest laser energy on the market into the fat tissue due to the jet-impingement cooling system that blows consistent cold air onto the skin's surface at a comfortable 104 degrees Fahrenheit.
EON is the only body contouring device with the ability to make real-time safety decisions based on the protocol written into its system by our EON robotic engineers. The robotic technology manages the treatment during an EON procedure, removing human error and inconsistency.
The device hovers over and scans the patient's body, memorizing the topography and using sensors to detect skin temperature, distance from the skin, laser energy, jet temperature, and room temperature. These features are part of EON's advanced safety protocol, which is written into EON's autonomous system. By removing human error, EON can reduce issues that can occur with manual operating devices currently in the market.
Patients can treat an entire abdomen in 60 minutes and can achieve a fat loss of 21% above the belly button and 25% below the belly button. EON is currently FDA cleared for the abdomen and flanks and is safe for all skin types and skin tones. There is a 96% patient satisfaction with EON, with 95.2% of patients saying they will return for a second treatment. There are ZERO non-responders with EON.
EON Reviews
What Are the Benefits of EON?
Delivers consistent laser energy to targeted segment area.
Precise, programed motion-control robotic treatments.
Uniform heat distribution ensures consistency.
Minimizes the probability of inflammation (panniculitis).
Synchronized energy and cooling for a personalized, comfortable patient experience.
Extensive safety protocols remove human error while delivering consistent results.
Unmatched results in the non-invasive, body sculpting category with 6.3mm average loss after one treatment.
No downtime following treatment.
No PAH. Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia is a very rare side-effect of freezing fat and EON heats fat to cell death.
Am I A candidate for EON?
Patient looking to permanently reduce stubborn fat in the upper / lower abdomen or flanks.
Patients looking for a non-invasive solution for body sculpting that doesn’t interrupt their normal daily schedule.
Patient with manageable BMI of 30 or less (Provider discretion).
No Contraindications and Precautions acknowledged.
Patients able to “Pinch an inch” in the treatment area.
How is EON Performed?
EON utilizes 42 unique smart sensors that scan and map a patient's topography for personalized treatments.
These sensors drive EON’s autonomous decision-making, patient safety, and patient comfort.
Robotic design provides consistent treatment from patient to patient and removes the chance for error.
EON’s laser accurately delivers an unprecedented degree of fat-reducing energy.
EON keeps the skin substantially cooler, all without ever touching the patient.
What Can I Expect After EON?
There is usually no needed downtime following treatment with EON, and most people experience only minimal after effects. You might notice some slight inflammation around the targeted areas, but this can resolve within a couple of days. According to your specific contours and the area being treated, you might experience visible improvements quickly. Typically, the majority of people should feel a dramatic improvement in the area of their targeted location over a range of 3 – 6 months. Although, it's crucial to keep a healthy weight, as excessive weight increases can alter your results.
Are treatments painful, and are there side effects?
EON's unique cooling system will keep you comfortable during treatment. In addition, a "Quick Cool" function can be activated by the operator for comfort, or the intensity of EON can be reduced if necessary. Side effects may include light redness, mild to moderate discomfort during the treatment, soreness or firm areas beneath the skin surface which will resolve on their own. No cases of PAH occur with heat based laser body contouring.
How long is a treatment segment?
Each segment area takes 20 minutes, so for instance, an EON treatment on the upper and lower abs would require 2-4 segments lasting 40-80 minutes. The flanks would take 20 minutes each. A Total Abdomen Treatment consists of both flanks and 2-3 segments on the stomach, taking less than 2 hours to complete. All areas can be treated in one visit.
How many areas can I have treated, and how often can I get treatment in the same area?
We suggest no less than two segments to deliver the results you are looking for; however, there is always the option for you to choose additional treatments if there is sufficient fat to treat in that area. Because EON utilizes the normal bodily function to remove fat particles, it is recommended to wait 6-8 weeks before a second treatment in the same area.
What about after treatment?
NO-POST TREATMENT CARE NEEDED – No straps, gels, or post massages. Patients can receive their treatment and go on with their daily life. With increased circulation, exercise and hydration have been shown to speed the body's ability to remove particles of destroyed fat cells.
How safe is EON?
With 42 unique robotic sensors that monitor temperature, scan, and map a patient's topography for personalized treatments, EON is very safe. During treatment, the operator will check in with you periodically to ensure you are remaining comfortable. EON programming allows the operator to administer a 10-second "QuickCool" or even reduce the intensity if you become uncomfortable during the 20-minute treatment.
How long before I see results?
Because EON utilizes the body's natural functions to remove the damaged fat cells, it can take up to 12 weeks to fully realize the results of your treatment. Many patients have reported seeing results as early as six weeks, especially when coupled with lifestyle changes like diet and exercise.
What kind of results can I expect?
Patients in EON studies experienced the full efficacy of the treatment by 12 weeks after 2-3 segments with 20 -25% fat loss in the upper and lower abdomen.
How long do results last?
The removal of fat cells is permanent in the area treated.
How does EON differ from other non-invasive treatments?
EON utilizes a heated laser to induce apoptosis (damage to the fat cell membrane) while relying on normal bodily function to remove the damaged cells over time. EON's unique jet-impingement cooling maintains patient comfort while allowing for targeted heat to reach the programed subcutaneous fat layer.
How much does it cost?
Great question. We offer several packages depending on your consultation and the number of segments your provider chooses for treatment. A consultation is the most accurate way to determine those things. Let's get you on the schedule.
Destroy Fat and Tone Your Body with EON
If you would like to be free of extra fat without needing to have surgery, EON body contouring at NoSweat Fort Wayne may be the optimal answer for you. This advanced, non-invasive technique targets stubborn fat areas, reshaping your body with fat-fighting energy and no downtime. Revitalize your silhouette, boost your confidence, and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Philip Rettenmaier or a member of his team today.